We made it back from Newfoundland on Thursday, whereas I fell into a coma like sleep and woke up 24 hours later, but that sleep must have been a sign of something more devastating to come, as presently I alternate between sounding like a pubescent boy and Stevie Nicks after a particularly hard drug binge. But there is a light at the end of this tunnel: a guilt free day of drinking tea and alternating between Lois On The Loose and Vollgas: Eine Frau, ein Motorrad, 20.000 Meilen Abenteuer, which you may or may not have figured out is the same book in German. (In English I get the jokes whereas in German it's just facts!)
As someone who rides what makes a great motorcycle book great for me is when I read it and I nod along and chuckle because I get it. And I had to share this snippet: