Mittwoch, 20. Oktober 2010

More Tales Of The Land Of Ice & Rain To Come..Till Then Enjoy A Motorcycle Ride Over A Non-Existent Bridge

Shame on me as I have been completely neglecting the blog since returning to Germany, and there are in fact more tales to come.  But as I am teaching English AND still working on my Masters, AND trying to learn German, AND trying to have some semblance of non contractual contact with the outside world I find that even having 20 mins to sit down and write a post to be a challenge.  I finish my course load at uni next month however, and so I hope to have more time then.  (Plus that means there will be a thesis to avoid writing, and that means I will have tons of time to write everything BUT my thesis!).

But as episode 10 just came in to be translated this morning, I found myself thinking that I could at least share the next Journizer episode here instead.  The bridge that does not exist, and me talking nonsense (I did it all by myself but with help????  I meant I rode the bike through that grass alone but I followed the tracks the boys left.  Arg, something about a camera makes me the dork queen as opposed to the dork princess).  :-P


Posted via email from Unleash Your Adventure

Dienstag, 12. Oktober 2010

Tourist Traps For Your Birthday

It does sounds like a disease, but just as you know the ways certain diseases are spread, yet in the heat of the moment you can not resist and fall into something nasty, so is it with the tourist trap.  On our trip to Turkey I decided that what I really wanted for my birthday was to visit Pamukkale.  And it was heartbreaking in the disappointment it brought.  It may just be the only place in our travels that the pictures we took look better than the reality.  Not to let experience deter me however (I swear rats have higher learning curves) on this trip I declared it was to be the Blue Lagoon.

Patrick warned me, cautioning me with tales of Pamukkale, and so I concluded that we would check out Myvatin's nature baths Jarbodinl instead, and if we loved it we would brave the Blue Lagoon -  if not then I still got a day soaking in blue water followed by lamb.  (Sorry to my vegetarian readers, and also to cute furry animals everywhere, but they are delicious, and I have discovered that when hungry I would in fact divulge state secrets not under torture, but rather after a couple of days with just a little food followed by the scent of bacon frying.  Who am I kidding here, after a couple of hours).

Samstag, 2. Oktober 2010

"Iceland Does Not Give Up It's Treasures Easily" Or "The Road To Askja Is Not So Much Difficult As Damned"

We debate how many times we tried to visit Askja.  I say 3, because there were 3 days when we actually said we were going to Askja that day, and the third time is a charm.  Patrick however says 4, as the day we rode to Kverkfjöll to see the ice caves we debated if we should stop and see Askja on the way back, but decided against it as we thought we would run out of gas.  Better to go the next day after filling our tanks at our camp site (and so began our first attempt to see Askja, part one here, and part two there!).  But enough with the rambling, I am incoherent enough evenwhen I start out with a proper beginning, let alone when I try to tell a story from the middle on out.  So a quick outline of our attempts before our last, and then the reason why we think the road to Askja is not so much hard as damned.

"Iceland Does Not Give Up It's Treasures Easily" Or "The Road To Askja Is Not So Much Difficult As Damned"

We debate how many times we tried to visit Askja.  I say 3, because there were 3 days when we actually said we were going to Askja that day, and the third time is a charm.  Patrick however says 4, as the day we rode to Kverkfjöll to see the ice caves we debated if we should stop and see Askja on the way back, but decided against it as we thought we would run out of gas.  Better to go the next day after filling our tanks at our camp site (and so began our first attempt to see Askja, part one here, and part two there!).  But enough with the rambling, I am incoherent enough evenwhen I start out with a proper beginning, let alone when I try to tell a story from the middle on out.  So a quick outline of our attempts before our last, and then the reason why we think the road to Askja is not so much hard as damned.