Sonntag, 21. November 2010

Dreaming Of Bulgaria On A Wet Rainy Sunday Or Episode 07

It has been a while since I have posted in the blog as the last post was written by Patrick and even that was a bit of time ago. (My excuses include work and starting NaNoWriMo to write about Iceland, but really excuses are just that!)  So I thought I would share the next Journizer video to show the blog is not dead.  End result:  stomach sickness from being jealous of myself and wanting to go back to Bulgaria again!

Bulgaria was in fact an unexpected jewel in our trip.  We had no real intention of riding through it, and the original plan was that we would spend as long as needed there as we went along the Black Sea coast into Turkey.  However rain drove us South instead of East, and as a result we ended up spending almost an entire week enjoying some of the best riding in Europe.  I say that even after a storm drove us to seek refuge in a monastery with this guy:

Mittwoch, 3. November 2010

Trip Planning: Tip #1: Set A Date

Your dream is to go on a trip. Not on a one week vacation, but on a big trip.

One day you will go since this has always been your dream. Not now but one day, maybe when this project is finished or after the car is paid off, then one day...

Sorry to disillusion you but I guess you will never go. There is always the new project, the car, stuff to do with the house, grandma's birthday, the dog and 1000 other things that get in the way. And you know why?

Because you do not have a set date. When the next project starts you have to deal with it. No matter how inconvenient it may be, you can not fight it however as that date is set, when you hit the date the project starts and you have to deal with it.  And the most amazing part is that you will.

But what about your big trip? It has no date. One day is no date, its merely a nicer word for never. So it will always be pushed further and further back by all these other things that may not be important but they have a date. Dates rule our lives.

So if you want to get serious about a big trip (or anything else you want to achive):

Set a date and...

Montag, 1. November 2010

Our Budget For Iceland: What We Spent & Where We Spent It

Warning:  This post has been written by Sherrie.  If you want our budget breakdown and only our budget break down then you can jump straight to it here:  Our Iceland Budget.

Despite what you might think this blog has not been abandoned. I know that in blogging time allowing 2 weeks to pass between posts is the same as announcing the blog is dead, but in our case we are honestly just too busy at the moment.  I am trying to finish my Masters as well as working, and Patrick is Swabian and always works like a maniac when not on a trip, plus he has started a new blogging project over at P.S. Refocus.  Work is winning over writing for the reason that we are saving our pennies like mad for our next big trip (Patrick has written a post about it, it just needs some fine tunning and that should be out later in the week as well!).  And so onto the actual post! ( But first a pretty picture!)