Although our start has been more in the style of a machine lurching and cranking itself into existence than smooth sailing, we have officially begun our world trip! And given that it is us I am talking about it I will gladly take that!
Rather than riding off into the sunset on Wednesday, we broke our golden rule of motorcycle travel - never ride at night. At 12:30 am we left Oma's garage and began the ride to Patrick's parent's in Switzerland. Given that this meant we were only 6 hours past our planned delayed this was some sort of miracle. That we arrived at 3 am and that the only casualty were my ears was the second! (they blew off on the autobahn. :-( )
The joy was also slightly tampered yesterday when the bill for my Russian and Mongolian visas arrived via email: 650 Euro in total.
But on the bright side that means I HAVE Russian and Mongolian visas, and tomorrow we begin our ride to Italy! With my 2 co-riders:
And the two of the human variety:
It hardly feels real!
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